ESP DISK --- Links
ESP-Disk Official web site
Entire catalogue text list
ESP-Disk Article
Les Fradkin from the Godz writings and discography
First Church of the Godz very outdated homepage
Albert Ayler best site on the internet
Albert Ayler Online Biography by Jeff Schwartz. I read this and really enjoyed it.
Thurston Moore's Top Ten from the Free Jazz Underground
Sun Ra website
Pearls Before Swine Website
Top Rapp from Pearls Before Swine article
ESP-Disk article in German
Holy Modar Rounders website
Marion Brown Discography / website
Bernard Stollman Article on founder of ESP-Disk
Get-Back / Abraxas Itallian label that reissued many ESP-Disk's on CD and vinyl.
ESP-disk Films
ESP-disk was a pioneering record label that issued avant-garde rock and jazz
records. Assembled here for the first time are the three films ESP-disk
commissioned to promote its artists, together with Michael Snow's film New
York Eye and Ear Control (A Walking Woman Work), featuring a soundtrack by
Albert Ayler that became the first ESP jazz release.
Edward English, The Fugs, 1963, color, sound, 12 1/2 min. (The Fugs)
Jud Yalkut, The Godz, 1966, color, sound, 12 min. (The Godz)
Edward English, Spaceways, 1968, color, sound, 18 min. (Sun Ra)
Michael Snow, New York Eye and Ear Control (A Walking Woman Work), 1964,
b/w, sound, 34 min. (Albert Ayler)
ESP 1001-1004 ESP 1004-1008 ESP 1008-1010 ESP 1011-1016
ESP 1016-1020 ESP 1021-1024 ESP 1024-1030 ESP 1030-1037
ESP 1037-1043 ESP 1044-1051 ESP 1051-1059 ESP 1060-1066
ESP 1067-1077 ESP 1078-1086 ESP 1087-1094 ESP 1095-2001
ESP 2001-2012 ESP 2013-2051 ESP 3000-3004 ESP 3005-3014
ESP 3015-3024 ESP 3025-3033 ESP Singles Billie-4561 ESP 4575-Durso
ESP-Disk Posters/etc.
For a text list of entire catalogue click here.
ESP-Disk related Links
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